The Farewell Tour...

In a few months time, unless something dramatic happens in the world of politics, the United Kingdom will leave the European Union. This is something I personally regret. I have always felt that being part of the EU was broadly positive. I realise the EU has not been a perfect institution, but overall I felt, and still feel, that a structure that binds nations together, that breaks down barriers between nations and promotes unity, offers better prospects of long lasting peaceful coexistence, greater prosperity and well being for many peoples from different cultures. Perhaps we take for granted the relative peace in Europe over my lifetime. 

One of the great joys that has existed for most of my adult life has been an ability to travel freely and easily throughout Europe. EU membership has made it easy to cross national borders without undue bureaucracy and I guess I've taken this for granted. I once picked up a hire car in Austria, assured the car hire company I'd only be using it in their country and within half an hour had inadvertently crossed into Germany due to a map reading/navigation error - and the only reason I discovered my error was because my mobile phone welcomed me to a German network. That's how easy it is to cross borders in Europe!

As the United Kingdom's EU membership comes to an end we might anticipate a few more administrative hurdles when planning to travel through Europe - so it seemed appropriate to me to plan a 'farewell tour' - crossing a few European borders - whilst travel remains relatively easy and hassle free. 

The feelings and thoughts described above was the germination of an idea for a Brexit Exit farewell tour - the title hopefully conveying a sense of irony! The idea wasn't just a political statement though. I know that despite many years of travel there are many parts of Europe that I still haven't seen and exploring Germany in particular was appealing - offering a combination of things: landscape, history, culture (and beer) that ticked a few boxes! Armed with maps and guidebooks over the winter months I started to form a plan for a self driving tour through France, then Germany, detouring into Austria, Luxembourg and Belgium and 'Brexit Exit - The Farewell Tour' took shape. Our route will take in the champagne region of France, the Voges Mountains, the Black Forest, Bavaria including the Alps, the 'Romantic Road' the Belgian city of Ghent before returning through France. 

I'm sure that, as with previous travels, Mrs B' and myself will detour and find unexpected gems along the way - and we may have to discuss Brexit with curious Europeans who, I'm sure, are as mostly baffled by the political direction taken by the UK as I and many of my fellow citizens are. Helpfully I've got a badge that should short circuit some conversations whilst travelling...a gift from my youngest daughter. Hopefully it will convey that not all UK citizens are looking forward to Brexit!

As our journey progresses I'll try and capture impressions and share thoughts on what we see and do - so watch this (virtual) space for updates.


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